::: Rates :::

Prices are in Euros

Low Season

7th Janaury to 10th March


Medium Season

1st August to 31st August 
1st November to 25th December

High Season

11th March to 31st July
1st September to 31st October 

Single 30 45 70
Double 55 60 100
Triple 65 70 125
Dorms 15/per bed 20/per bed 25/per bed

All rates are in Euro. Prices per room / per night.
Breakfast is included in the price.

Personal Currency Assistant

Payment upon arrival. Credit Cards are not accepted, for more information please contact us.
All Rates not valid for for Christmas and New Year,
Easter and 1 May. 




Via Varese 33, 00185 Roma. Tel: +39 06 44703523. Email: info@funnyhostel.com